July Wrap Up

This wrap is late, but I had so many book reviews to write. I seriously cannot believe the number of books I got to read this month thanks to the SABR Summer Camp! This is my most successful reading month ever, and I reached my Goodreads goals.

I managed two ARCs during July, both of which were debuts for the authors, and I loved them. I also got to try so many new-to-me authors, some of which were indie authors, and I’m obsessed with The Billionaires Betasitter series by Merri Bright. If you want to try out Omegaverse with a contemporary romance feel, then check out these fun, spicy, and heartfelt books!

The ratings varied this month, and sadly, I did hit a DNF, but I loved so many books that I read this month. Now I need to go and get an update to date for August, as five books desperately need to be reviewed.

5☆ The Next Best Fling by Gabriella Gamez (ARC)
5☆ Daughter of the Drowned Empire by Frankie Diane Mallis (ARC)
4☆ Enthralled (Risque Romance vol 1) by Mandi Konesni
4☆ Sunshine’s Grump by Merri Bright
2☆ Moonlight Reborn by Miyo Hunter
4☆ Knotty New Year by Merri Bright
2☆ Cuffing Season by Luna Whitney
3☆ My Evil Mother by Margaret Atwood

𝐐𝐎𝐓𝐃 ➳ How was your July? If you have a favourite, drop the rec in the comments!

REVIEW: My Evil Mother by Margaret Atwood

Rating: 3 out of 5.

My Evil Mother by Margaret Atwood is a fictitious novella that broaches into fantasy, historical, and contemporary genres in just thirty-two pages. It tells the tale of a 1950s girl being raised by an eccentric mother surrounded by mystery that will leave you wondering what is real and what is fiction.

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REVIEW: Cuffing Season by Luna Whitney

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Cuffing Season is a contemporary romance novella by Luna Whitney. This holiday romance is about two long-time friends, Ava and Grayson, who have been tiptoeing around each other for too long, finally crossing that line into steamy territory. But was shaking the friendship foundation worth it for something that couldn’t possibly be anything more than a hookup?

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