REVIEW: Stolen by Kelley Armstrong

Rating: 5 out of 5.

TV Adaptation: Bitten (2014)

Stolen is the second book in the paranormal romance series, The Women of the Otherworld, by Kelley Armstrong. Elena Michaels is on the road to accepting her new life and is back in the pack, picking up the role she left behind, and in doing so, she uncovers more than she thought was possible. There are more supernatural beings in the world, and unfortunately, she’s not the only one to realise this. The humans are coming, and as the only female werewolf in existence, she’s certainly a prize to be caught.

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REVIEW: Bitten by Kelley Armstrong

Rating: 4 out of 5.

TV Adaptation: Bitten (2014)

Bitten, a paranormal romance, was Kelley Armstrong’s debut novel and the first in the Women of the Otherworld series. Elena Michaels is the only female werewolf to exist, and she really wishes that was not the case. She is determined, no matter how detrimental to her health, to live a ‘content’ human life—to an extent—that she thinks she would have had before, but unfortunately, trouble is brewing back at Stonehaven and her pack needs her. Whether she needs them or whether she wants them, that’s her choice to make.

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REVIEW: Crying Wolf by Rochelle Paige

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Crying Wolf is a werewolf shifter romance by Rochelle Paige, the first in the Black River Pack Trilogy. Grace Shaw has been forced to run from everyone she has left in the world because a dangerous ex-boyfriend has friends in high places. In running, she finds a place to work in Wolf Point, owned by Hunter Tate. Grace tries to keep her distance from Hunter, and Hunter tries to give her time, but fate is stronger than will, and unfortunately, trouble never stays where you left it, especially if trouble is crazy.

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