REVIEW: Risque Romance Vol. 1 by Mandi Konesni

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Risque Romance Vol. 1 comprises two paranormal romance novellas by Mandi Konesni. The first novella is Awakened; it follows Mia, who is perfectly content in her less-than-thrilling life until her best friend signs her up to be auctioned off as a date at an event and is quickly highly bid after by Erik. Erik is sinful and sensual bliss is consuming, and quickly Mia realises there might be more to life except she can’t keep Erik, even if they both desire exactly that. The second novella is Enthralled; it follows Dieri, who was cursed many centuries ago by the Romani, and he has hunted them ever since. In comes Mirela, a light in his ever-darkening existence, a little bird that he shouldn’t have, but they are drawn to each other, but the faire isn’t as quiet as it seems. Are all monsters monsters, or is that just what you’ve been told?

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ARC REVIEW: My Vampire Plus-One by Jenna Levine

Rating: 3 out of 5.

My Vampire Plus-One is a paranormal-contemporary romance by Jenna Levine. Amelia is an orderly accountant deep into the stress of the tax season, whose joke at a family dinner was taken far too seriously, and she couldn’t stop herself from going on with the lie. This lie now means she needs to desperately find a boyfriend to take to her cousin’s wedding. Good thing she quite literally ran into a loudly dressed, far too attractive man that same night and couldn’t help but keep thinking about him. Reginald is trying to hide from people who are hell-bent on seeing to his demise, and blending in isn’t something this vampire is capable of or actually enjoys doing. Still, nothing says normal like a family wedding. It’s just a fake dating scenario; nothing ever comes of those, right?

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REVIEW: Monster’s Find by Leann Ryans

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Monster’s Find is the first book in the Omegaverse series, Monsters in the Mountains, by Leann Ryans. Sasha is going into heat, which would normally be fine if she had an alpha, but the alphas of her village had just murdered her father, so she fled. Finally, hiding away in the mountain, she thought she was alone, and she thought she would be safe to make it through her first heat. But there are rumours of those that live in the mountains that, in her dazed flee, she forgot—or simply no longer cared to take notice of. What could be worse than the monsters in her village? What could be hiding in the dark?

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