REVIEW: Covet by Tracy Wolff

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Covet is the third instalment in Tracy Wolff’s Romantic Paranormal Fiction book series, Crave. This book picks up almost immediately where the last left off, for everyone this time, and after the bombshell dropped at the end of the last book, I was thankful for that. Grace seems to have the knack for multitasking heavy content; with the end of school work needed to graduate, an impending coronation, royalty out to get her and so much more. It is anyone’s guess how she does not drown under the weight of it all, but Grace is never alone in her fight. But who and what is out for blood now?

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REVIEW: The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Film Adaptation: The Hating Game

The Hating Game is Sally Thorne’s first Romance Novel. It centres around one office’s adversaries. Lucy Hutton is the sweetest of summer fruits. Joshua Templeman is the equivalent of bursting a child’s bubble. Sharing an office is slowly tearing at both their sanities, as is their obsessive need to screw with each other’s minds with the constant play of childish games, and with a new job up for the offer, they are both pushed to the brink. The need to win is Lucy’s sole driving compulsion, but Josh is playing for a completely different price. What game will be the one to push them both off edge finally?

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REVIEW: Crush by Tracy Wolff

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Crush is a young adult paranormal romance book by Tracy Wolff, the second in its series. It picks up almost exactly where it left off… for Grace, that is. Grace learns she is not all that human, after all, and along with that new life-altering piece of information comes a deliciously funny mind-hitch-hiker that she cannot seem to shake. In order to evict her new tenant she must go on a supernatural scavenger hunt, of sorts; fraught with danger, that she cannot best on her own. And if that was not hard enough to cope with, in walk the two people who wish nothing more than death on her the most. Will she survive this unscathed, or will she finally meet the maker so many wished for her too when she first arrived at Katmere Academy?

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