Savage Beginning is a romantic suspense short story by Lexi Noir, the first in the Angel’s Fury MC series. After taking down some high-society people in a court case, Hannah’s life is in danger, and the only person that she can turn to, who she can trust, and who she has always trusted is Jake, aka Savage. The enemy is faceless and most likely close to her. She never expected the safest place for her would be at an MC Clubhouse, but with Jake, she is always safe—unless another threat lurks just around the corner.
I was initially hooked by the first chapter. You are thrown straight into the action, and when your life is on the line, the words you held back for so long are only bound to slip free of their restraints, and that is exactly what happens for Hannah and Jake. They have known each other since childhood, but Hannah has always kept her feelings as hidden as she could, and Jake was a lot better at hiding his than she was because he feels exactly the same. The only thing that held them both back was that Hannah was Jake’s best friend’s little sister.
Unfortunately, after that initial hook, everything started to fall apart for me. The story started to become a little rushed. I somewhat expected that with a short story, sometimes it feels as though everything is happening too quickly, but in this instance, it was not a good thing. I felt as though I was missing huge chunks of the plot because this series seems to follow on from the Angel’s Rules series, so that is my fault, but the pieces you are given about this bigger plot are so small that I was still trying to connect the dots when the cliffhanger came.
Despite that, there was still the aspect of rushing. We go from immediate action where the main characters are literally taking on gunshot wounds that require blood transfusion and then get swiped off the road by another car, but that does not seem to affect them when they are having sex within the next day or two. How have they managed that with the wounds?
The main characters admitting their feelings and the author telling you their history rather than showing it (which is the style throughout) I could get past, but Hannah having to knock down a ‘gash’ because the ‘gash’ does not accept that Jake has stated his claim on Hannah was a little childish. The behaviour—I mean, the beat-down was deserved (still no idea how she managed that without popping a stitch), but some of the words spoken and the high five after just made it too childish for me.
Finally, the last thing that I noted as a dislike was an inconsistency in the story surrounding the death of Hannah’s brother. One chapter was that he died in a car accident after returning from war, and the other was that he died in Afghanistan. It just threw me off a little, as I had to actually come out of the book and scroll back because I was certain that was not right. And I am not going to mention the idiotic, half-cocked action that resulted in the cliffhanger. Your life is in danger, Hannah. Do not go it alone. Seriously, Jake, what the hell? OK, maybe I mentioned it.
I am rating Savage Beginning (Angel’s Fury MC Book 1) Two out of Five Stars. The only aspect I enjoyed was the action in the first chapter, but after that, it was not for me for the aforementioned dislikes. I will not be reading the following books in the series as I did not connect with any of the characters, and I am honestly a little confused about how most of the contents of this book even happened after the injuries sustained in the first two chapters.
This is a motorcycle club book, so the words used, actions, and topics are for an adult audience, but you might want to check for any triggers to be on the safe side if you decide to pick up this short romantic suspense story. I would only really recommend this book to anyone who has read the Angel’s Rule series by Lexi Noir, or you may be just as lost as I was reading Savage Beginning. This book is full of everything you would expect of a motorcycle club book: fast-paced violence and mentions of it, some sexual scenes, but not overly graphic in my opinion, expressions of love, and plenty of strong language.
Favourite Quote
““You’re safe now.” I promise her. She reaches for my face again, her palm against my cheek, “I know, I’m with you.””
page 13
Finer Details:
Title: Savage Beginning (Angel’s Fury MC Book 1)
Author: Lexi Noir
Pages: 47
Publisher: Lexi Noir
Publication: 2021
Language: English
Rating: 2/5